Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh Sweet God No

So, I'm watching the rerun of last week's CSI when I happen to see one of the most horrifying images this series has ever produced. Let me set the scene.Gil Grissom has just left CSI to join the love of his life Sara. Apparently, she’s in the jungle or something and he has to tromp through damp, humid grossness to get to this freckled biyotch. Cut to Sara…and witness the most god awful haircut I have seen since that weird VJ Jesse Camp. Behold…the hotness:

Jorja Fox Emmys

Now, I’m well aware that Jorja Fox is the queen of bad haircuts. She’s had some form of mullet for the better part of a decade. See exhibt A:

However, I fully believe that somewhere there is a very sadistic hairstlist who is giggling with Mr. Burns-like malice. I mean, who would seriously tell this chick that this is flattering??? For shame…for shame.

Just for shits and giggles, here’s the link to the Grissom-Sara reunion, complete with the horrific hairdo (or should I say, hair-don't?). Anyone else get a Jane Goodall-“Gorillas in the Mist” vibe from this shiz?

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